Wednesday, August 2, 2017


This place, in mind, is
a wild place full of life and laughter. I would see
heaven in it, where a lake spreads
sun-rich waves and tides to shore; I would see
spider webs suspending fallen leaves and holding
them up like mannequin strings. I would see
the sunrise and sunset; and the robin and goose flying
over all of my petty worries. Once, I believed that strife would be
met and could be conquered here. Nature was
not strong enough! Life outside this pretty world, in mind, is
not a place of truth speaking to the powerful and corruptible.
My soul traces boundaries of freedom; my heart yearns
for a simple place to help me be simple, where yellowing leaves may
fall freely without being pulled off. I would not see
Mother Nature ache as She does. Her heart beats
ever faintly… Our touch does this, and what I would see
is almost gone. What I love is dying an undeserved, untimely death.
I can only feign see Nature wander in my mind.

J.H. Lee (original c. 1987; edit 2017)

Thursday, February 23, 2017


I trap my feelings,
hold tightly
in sad embraces.
I fall into cold waters
of impatience, impermanence.
There’s solitude,
a brainwash from substance
and matter.
Tongues of a thousand
leaves shake
in scorn at me.
I wither under hard glass
and fold my emotions
in these twilight hours.
I hide fast wings
under my breast
and can’t release
them to the sky.

Where’s a healthy rope
to draw myself out,
climb over the wall between me
and the light? Time.

Smile for me, life!
Smile and see me grow.
I’m young in your eyes.
Help me unhide my wings,
to raise them up

and let me shine.