Sunday, July 17, 2016



Seems you’ve forgotten everything you said you’d learned
You were going to change, remember? You said
You’d try to be a better person
Then sure enough—
What bad influences!
Let sway you

Or were you confused because of your footing?
But that’s just growing pains, Dear
You apparently forgot
Others had placed
Great faith in you

Yes, the pressure can be unbearable—suffocating at times
But do you think you’re the only one who’s been through the wringer? And already?
So, did you forget? Was it apathy, instead? Was it deliberate?
Maybe you chose not to look ahead at the grief you could cause
Perhaps others’ disappointments meant little
And your own? Somewhat more? But really less
Maybe you hadn’t heard enough
Just didn’t want to hear anymore
Because you were tired of it
Or weren’t ready yet

You wanted to listen to the Beatles, again
But it was in fact what they’d read—to convince themselves first
Through some ambiguity to, then, make people stop and think that
“the love you make is equal to the love you take”
So, it wasn’t that you didn’t know, completely
You’re smarter than that
You had no way, no good and ready tools to help
You couldn’t merely borrow someone else’s
You needed to learn how to use your own each passing day

And when you scream, “Enough already!!”
People everywhere do
You simply lose sight of what’s outside
And those you hurt so much
And don’t know they hurt, like you hurt—or worse
That’s why you have to be gentle
Because you do care after all
But the secret is, caring when caring seems impossible
And you have to force it out
And it literally makes you sick
Embracing when the embraced resists
Shutting up when the world, it seems, accuses you falsely
Don’t you know?
True courage doesn’t strike back
It takes the blows one after the other
And does more than tolerate pain
It even forgives

You’ve heard that the world is full of malice and wickedness
That heroes are nowhere to be found
That real criminals go unpunished
Not all true—It was selective hearing
It was the news focusing on the sensational
Truth is, heroes are born every day in the everyday
You’re just as capable as anyone else
You just have to empathize and then act

And that boy you say you hate
Even after giving him a halfhearted sorry
You weren’t thinking about his feelings, his pains
The frustrations and hardships he faces
At home with his family in tatters
With his friends who don’t understand what’s really important
Because they too have problems of their own

Yet, you know about pride
Do you know it’s not at all a virtue?
Who asks to be a victim and does nothing?
The desire for retribution is natural, often overwhelming,
As human as laughter and tears
But do you know that justification and justice
Are two very different things?

How terribly, terribly sad to see you go when
You don’t see what you do
Mostly to yourself
Opportunities you squander
Griefs you pile up and onto—so much useless baggage
Hopelessness you turn into cancer
Did no one ever tell you?
Some types of suffering are worse than death
Fear is worse than humiliation
Only the twisted dare say otherwise
It’s the “when,” and anybody can
There’s actual beauty in all the muck
You’ll see it if you try
And if you listen
And you recognize that love is the only
Four-letter word worth shouting, whispering
Then maybe, yes, maybe!
Because life throws boulders and walls in your way to test you
And, oddly enough, tragedy to help you learn all the better
You can see the goodness everywhere
Even in you

Draft #3 (7/17/2016)

Draft #2 (9/24/2011)

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